TIP: This is available only to Galileo Plus (Merlin) users.
New teachers can be entered on the Staff Demographics page; however, it is best to enter teachers on the Teacher page. The Staff Demographics page is also where you can enter staff members who work for your organization, but are not teachers.
Additionally, you can record specific information about your staff. You can keep track, for instance, of the staff’s professional development, education or certification on Merlin provided forms or forms that you have created. Managing your program’s services can be easily done when completing a form by entering data into the appropriate form during the initial data entry and throughout the program year. When completing a form other form fields can be “automatically populated,” such as in the case of Merlin forms populating fields in the PIR form.
1. Click either:
a. Merlin>Staff>Demographics.
b. Merlin>PIR>Staff.
2. Now determine if you will:
b. assign/un-assign staff member to a center
d. Complete/Update Staff Form information
Last Updated: 11.17.17